11 Jan '22
The Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (“MDR”) entered into force on 26 May 2021. In the MDR, a 'medical device' is defined as follows:
“any instrument, apparatus, appliance, software, implant, reagent, material or other article intended by the manufacturer to be used, alone or in combination, for human beings for one or more of the following specific medical purposes:
This definition is very broad. In practice, this will therefore be met quickly. The aim of the MDR is to increase the safety of patients within the European Union when using medical devices and to give patients more insight into what exactly the use of medical devices entails. In addition, the MDR should stimulate the availability of innovative medical devices.
Software now falls under these regulations more quickly than before (in addition to the devices that may be required when using the e-health application, such as a fall mat or blood pressure monitor). Software intended for conducting medical scientific research may also fall under the MDR; a sports watch that can only measure heart rate but does not draw a conclusion from it, does not have to fall under the above definition.
However, if the sports watch has a function with which it can diagnose a heart problem, it is a medical device. It is therefore always a question of whether the manufacturer (or the developer of an app, for example) has intended the software to be used solely or in combination for one of the aforementioned medical purposes (diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, etc. of a disease or limitation). To qualify software as a medical device, software must do more than just search, store, archive or transmit patient data. In particular, it should interpret data and assist (for example) in making diagnoses and initiating therapies. Sometimes products, especially software, fall into a gray area. Guidelines have also been drawn up for this, such as the Borderline Manual and Guidance on Qualification and Classification of Software in Regulation (EU) 2017/745 MDR.
It is also irrelevant for the qualification as a medical device whether the software has a direct effect (physical impact) on the human body. It also does not matter where the software is used. It therefore makes no difference whether a patient uses an application at home or whether it is used in the practice of a medical care provider. In addition, we also mention that the MDR means that a product falls more quickly into a higher risk category (whereby, for example, CE marking is required earlier and more clinical evidence is needed).
The moment you wish to market a medical device, this device must meet a number of requirements that are included in the MDR. The MDR mainly entails obligations for manufacturers (or importers, distributors) of an e-health application, but is also relevant for healthcare institutions (which are defined separately in the MDR). This applies to both the development process and the purchase of e-health applications. We mention a few matters:
As a healthcare institution, it is important – also in the context of liability – to take the MDR into account in the purchasing policy for e-health applications. Good contractual agreements must be made in the field of guarantees, indemnifications and liability, but also regarding, for example, maintenance and updates (and who is or are responsible for this). In that regard, a CE marking does not necessarily offer sufficient guarantees with regard to the liability of a healthcare provider. Medical software with a valid CE certificate (from a notified body) does not have to comply with the MDR until the certificate has expired (this applies until May 2024).
In the Netherlands, the Inspectorate for Health and Youth Care (IGJ) monitors compliance with the MDR (and related national regulations). If the MDR is not or not correctly complied with, the IGJ is authorized to impose a fine or take other action (for example, require corrective actions to be taken).
For further information, please refer to this European Union website where guidelines are included (for download): https://ec.europa.eu/health/md_sector/new_regulations/guidance_nl For example, see the document titled: “Is your software a Medical Device?”
This blog was published in the e-health magazine of December 2021 which is available upon request at: e-health@ploum.nl.
If you have any questions about the MDR (or guidance documents), compliance issues or contracts, we will be happy to assist you. You can contact us directly at: e-health@ploum.nl, n.witt@ploum.nl or m.louws@ploum.nl.
06 Mar 25
27 Feb 25
26 Feb 25
24 Feb 25
21 Jan 25
16 Jan 25
07 Jan 25
20 Dec 24
29 Nov 24
19 Nov 24
13 Nov 24
11 Nov 24
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