Attorney at law, Partner

Tjinta Scheffer-Terlien


Tjinta is a lawyer since 2011 and a recognized specialist in the field of construction and procurement law. She has a unique command of the full breadth of this field.

She has extensive experience in representing parties in preliminary relief proceedings. She also regularly assists contracting authorities in setting up and guiding complex tendering procedures and tenderers when submitting a tender. 

In the field of construction law, Tjinta advises commissioning authorities and contractors in drafting contracts, risk management in the implementation of complex construction projects and in disputes about, among other things, defects in the Work, changes in the Work and damages for delay.  She is engaged by clients in the preparatory phase as well as during the implementation phase and after completion of the contract.

In additon to her litigation and advice practice, Tjinta her particular focus lies in the circular economy and the integration of sustainable and circular aspects in tenders and construction contracts.

On 16 June 2022, Tjinta was appointed as a general board member during the general members' meeting of the Dutch Association for Procurement Law.


Tjinta studied Dutch Law (LLB) and Corporate Law (LLM) at Utrecht University. She also completed the master European Union Law (LLM) at the University of Amsterdam.

Tjinta started in 2011 as a Construction and Real Estate lawyer at lawfirm AKD in Rotterdam and Brussels. In 2015, she switched to Croon advocaten, a niche firm specialized in Procurement Law and Construction Law. Since 2021 she works for Ploum.

Understanding is more than legal knowledge

Tjinta gets her drive from fully understanding the legal matter in a relatively short time in order to achieve the maximum result for the client. Tjinta has a hands-on attitude and likes to look to opportunities and possibilities instead of obstacles.

‘Subject matter expertise is outstanding. Concise messaging in understandable legal (and non-legal) communication. Pleasant interaction and quick responses. Delivery of required productions was very quick, on time and accurate, despite high time pressure on delivery. Tjinta Terlien has proven to be exceptionally knowledgeable in the area of the DIDAM arrest, supplemented with her logic and rationale, making the right arguments. In addition understands the business impact and circumstances of projects perfectly. - Legal 500 EMEA 2024

‘The combination of an excellent knowledge of procurement law and construction law and current case law makes us very satisfied with the legal advice and products delivered by Tjinta Terlien. Tjinta works efficiently and is very flexible, so deadlines have been met. ’ - Legal 500 EMEA 2024

Examples of recent work

Construction Law

  • Acting as a counsel in an arbitration proceeding regarding the Container Terminal systems Second Maasvlakte. (Maasvlakte 2 is a major civil engineering project in the Netherlands, constructing a new port of supporting infrastructure on recliamed land adjoining the Maasvlakte)
  • Drawing up several contracts for the restauration of the Dom Tower (Domtoren) in Utrecht.

Procurement Law (construction)

  • Advising a contracting authority in setting up a tendering procedure and drawing up several contracts regarding taking appropriate measures for obtaining CE marking.
  • Advising a contracting authority in setting up a tendering procedure and drawing up several contracts regaring the renovation of the public domain in the city centre.

Procurement Law (supply and services)

  • Preliminary relief proceedings on a salvaging and environmental tender; 
  • Advice on bid for a tender on career assessments;
  • Advice on a bid for a tender on bailiff services;
  • Advice on a bid for a tender for the delivery of various ammuniton;
  • Litigation advice to a legal procedure for a tender on ‘ Logistieke Dienstverlening Mobiele Units Bevolkingsonderzoeken’.


  • Member of the Education Program Council of the Construction Law Institute
  • Association for Dutch Construction Lawyers (VBR-A);
  • Accociation for Dutch Procurement Law (NVvA)

Publications and Webinars

Several contributions Cobouw (construction journal):

  • “Gemiste kans”, mei 2016
  • “Rechtstreekse werking niet geïmplementeerde aanbestedingsrichtlijnen”, april 2016;
  • “Gepaste zorgvuldigheid bij Nota van Inlichtingen”, maart 2016;
  • “Zorgvuldige raming vereist voor onderhandelingsprocedure”, november 2015;
  • “Wezenlijke wijziging en schadevergoeding”, oktober 2015;
  • “Evaluatie Aanbestedingswet: goed begonnen is half gewonnen”, juli 2015;
  • “Best Value Procurement aan banden?”, juni 2015;
  • “Toepassing concurrentiegerichte dialoog versoepeld”, april 2015;
  • “Klachtenafhandeling Aanbestedingsexperts beperkt tot overheidsaanbestedingen?”, maart 2015;
  • “Vrij spel binnen gezette kaders?”, februari 2015;
  • “Private aanbesteders vrij spel?”, november 2014;
  • “Welke redenen zijn relevant?”, mei 2014;
  • “De digitale inschrijvingsstaat”, maart 2014;
  • “Spreken is zilver, zwijgen is goud?”, februari 2014;
  • “Ongeldig voldoet alsnog?”, januari 2014;
  • “Wat zegt aanbesteder: nadere toelichting of nieuwe reden?”, november 2013;
  • “Ga voortvarend te werk”, september 2013;
  • “Is vervanging referentieproject na afwijzing mogelijk?”, juli 2013;

The Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister)

Tjinta Scheffer-Terlien has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):

  • Real estate law (vastgoedrecht), sub legal practice area Construction Law (bouwrecht) and
  • Procurement Law (aanbestedingsrecht)

Based on this registration, Tjinta Scheffer-Terlien is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.

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