Attorney at law, Partner
Willem Leppink
Willem is an attorney at law and partner with Ploum where he leads the Intellectual property team.
Willem provides litigation services and advice in the field of trademark, copyright and advertising law. He represents well-known companies throughout Europe in counterfeiting and other infringement matters. He is very experienced in coordinating European brand and marketing-related projects. In the Netherlands he litigates in conflicts regarding intellectual property and in cases about misleading and comparative advertising.
Willem is a strong believer in achieving results for his clients, regardless where these are needed on the globe, by finding pragmatic and creative solutions. He helps his clients to keep the helicopter view and realizes that most entrepreneurs rather avoid litigation, but that, nonetheless, it is sometimes needed.
What clients say
"Willem always provides excellent and practical strategic advice that shows his understanding of the client's needs." - Chambers 2024
"He is always aware of all details of the case, very pragmatic." - Chambers 2024

“Willem is a fighter who is motivated to get things done. He is an effective legal communicator with a can-do attitude, who constantly strives for client satisfaction.”. – WTR1000 – 2023
‘Our contacts have been the extremely renowned Willem Leppink and his outstanding younger partner Sabin Tigu. We greatly appreciate this collaboration, especially their enormous commitment, their goal to always achieve more than their competitors, their enormous experience and the passion with which they practice.’ – Legal 500 EMEA 2024
‘Willem Leppink has extensive experience in handling a variety of IP cases. He is very knowledgeable about the law, quick-thinking and has good communication skills. – Legal 500 EMEA 2024
Willem graduated from Groningen University in 1994. Before that he spent a year at the School of Business of Western Carolina University. He was a partner with NautaDutilh and Simmons & Simmons. There he had various management roles in the International Intellectual Property Practice Group and the TMT Sector Group. In 2009 he joined Ploum, where he set up the intellectual property practice.
Willem Leppink is a lecturer in trademark law at Leiden University since 2023, where he teaches the master course in trademark and trade name law.
- Annotatie (samen met Paul Trapman) bij HvJ EU (Inditex/Buongiorno (ZARA)), Intellectuele Eigendom & Reclamerecht IER 2024/3, p. 240 - 252
- Round-up of European enforcement case law in 2023, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Oxford Academic (, March 2024 -
- Round-up of European enforcement case law in 2022, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Oxford Academic (, March 2023
- Willem Leppink, Michelle Roosma, A practical guide to filing domain name complaints, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Volume 17, Issue 11, November 2022, Pages 905–914,
- Domeinnaamgeschillen: een praktische handleiding | BMM Bulletin, July 2022
- 'Round-up of European enforcement case law 2021' | Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice | Oxford Academic (, May 2022
- Hennessy: een gemiste kans?, Over EER-waarde, het right to control en de internationale parallelhandel in de praktijk, Intellectueel Eigendom & Reclamerecht IER 2022/2
- 'European trade mark law: Quo Nunc Vadis? (The Sequel)' | Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice | Oxford Academic (, July 2021
- 'EU enforcement case law round-up CJEU and selected national case law' for 2020, Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, Oxford University Press, May 2021
- Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 8 January 2021 ECLI:NL:PHR:2020:696 (Infineon / NXP), Intellectuele Eigendom & Reclamerecht 2021/25, p. 247 – 256
- 'Enforcement case law round-up 2019—CJEU and selected national case law' | Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice | Oxford Academic (, June 2020
- Merkgebruik door garagehouders: de koppeling van BMW/Deenik. Een Nederlandse kijk op de Europese rechtspraak en de toepassing in Nederland, BMM Bulletin 2/2020, p. 89
- EPOA / The Flower Farm, noot onder deze uitspraak van het College van Beroep (Reclame Code Commissie) over reclame voor palmolievrije margarine, Intellectuele Eigendom & Reclamerecht IER 2020/19
- 'European trade mark law, Quo Nunc Vadis?' | Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice | Oxford Academic (, January 2019
- How not using a trade mark becomes use of a trade mark, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice – Oxford University Press, Volume 13, Issue 12, 1 December 2018, Pages 925–927, Current Intelligence article on Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), Judgment in Mitsubishi v Duma, C-129/17, EU: C: 2018: 594, 25 July 2018
- Mitsubishi / Duma, noot onder deze uitspraak van het Hof van Justitie over verwijdering van merken, Intellectuele Eigendom & Reclamerecht IER 2018/55
- KNVW/, noot onder deze uitspraak over oneerlijke handelspraktijken en vergelijkende reclame, Intellectuele Eigendom & Reclamerecht IER 2018/15
- A Practical Guide to Protection from Online Infringement, Chapter on The Netherlands, Globe Law and Business, 2017
- 'European trade mark law, Quo Vadis?' | Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice | Oxford Academic (, May 2013
- Stichting Misrekening/ING, noot onder deze uitspraak over oneerlijke handelspraktijken, Intellectuele Eigendom & Reclamerecht IER 2011/62
- ‘Is there life for IP owners after Nokia and Philips’, World Trademark Review, April/May 2011
- ‘Order from a Community trade mark court should have effect throughout the entire EU’, Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, Oxford University Press, January 2011
- ‘The battle of The Hague: R4 and mod chips game over?’, Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, Oxford University Press, Oktober 2010
- Use of a trade mark on free merchandizing is not ‘genuine use’, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Oxford Academic (, April 2009 -
- Zonnatura, noot bij dit arrest van de Hoge Raad over de uitleg van intellectuele-eigendomsrechten in een overnameovereenkomst, Ondernemingsrecht 2004, 262
- MARQUES, the European Association of Trade Mark Owners: Willem is a member of the Executive Committee and in that capacity representing MARQUES in the European Anti-Scam Network
- Organisation for the Professional Education of Benelux Trademark and Design Attorneys (BBMM): chair
- WIPO, World Intellectual Property Organization: domain name panelist for both .UDRP and .nl disputes, Legal Rights Objections Expert, as well as Trademark Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedure (Trademark PDDRP) panelist
- Czech Arbitration Court: domain name panelist .eu domain names
- Committee on Geographical Names of the Municipality of Lansingerland (Gemeente Lansingerland): acting chair
- Netherlands Intellectual Property Litigation Attorneys (VIEPA): member of the exam board
- Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (Oxford University Press): member of the editorial board
- The European Copyright & Design (Sweet & Maxwell): member of the editorial board
- Dutch advertising blog member of the editorial board
- Netherlands Advertising Law Association (VvRr): honorary member
- International Trademark Association (INTA)
- Benelux Association for Trademark and Design Law (BMM)
- European Trade Mark Association (ECTA)
- Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (AIPPI)
Willem is recommended as a trademark expert in the Netherlands in the WTR1000 of World Trademark Review. He is also recommended in Chambers Europe and Chambers Global. He is listed in the Legal 500, the Guide of the World’s Leading Trade Mark Law Practitioners, Best Lawyers for Advertising Law en in PLC’s Which Lawyer. He was twice the winner of the International Law Office Client Choice Award for intellectual property law.
The Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister)
Willem Leppink has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):
- Intellectual Property (intellectueel eigendomsrecht)
Based on this registration, Willem Leppink is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.