Attorney at law, Partner

Dorine ten Brink


Dorine was the firm’s only female founder. She specializes in contract law and has a commercial advice and litigation practice. Dorine is involved in drawing up and negotiating various commercial contracts in fields including agency, distribution, (international) purchasing and general conditions. She has a lot of experience advising on IT contracts, covering subjects such as licensing, software as a service, cloud contracts, e-commerce, etc. Under previous legislation Dorine already advised on privacy aspects, but with the implementation of the GDPR privacy has become a real hot issue. Dorine advises on all aspects of privacy law, including complex international data transfers, whistleblower policies and online marketing. In addition, she is frequently involved in civil proceedings, for example relating to failing IT projects, and in disputes about attributable failures, dissolution, cancellation, authorization, price/payment, liability and tort.

Dorine is particularly interested in arbitration. Dorine has acted as counsel in international and national arbitration, amongst others under the rules of the ICC, the NAI (Netherlands Arbitration Institute) and the Arbitration Institute for the construction industry. In addition, she is secretary to the Royal Dutch Grain and Feed Trade Association and NOFOTA (the Netherlands Oils, Fats and Oilseeds Trade Association). These last two are arbitration institutes for commodity trade with a long-standing history in the Rotterdam harbor, where the panel consists of laymen. Dorine is the keeper of legal (material and procedural) aspects and writes the arbitral awards following the decision of the arbitrators and in close cooperation with the arbitrators.

Finally, Dorine is on the editorial board of the Dutch Journal of Arbitration, working closely together with leading individuals in the Dutch world of arbitration and being well ahead of the developments in arbitration law.

What clients say

‘Dorine ten Brink and Suzanne Poutsma stand out.’ – Legal 500 EMEA 2023


Dorine (1968) graduated from Erasmus University, Rotterdam in Company Law and Private Law in 1991. In 1996-1997 she completed the IT Law program at the post-graduate Grotius Academy and became a member of the Netherlands Association of Computer Lawyers, a small and (still) exclusive group of specialized IT-lawyers in the Netherlands. Dorine began her career at NautaDutilh. At Ploum she is active as a lawyer and partner.

Memberships and additional jobs

  • Dutch Arbitration Association
  • Netherlands Association on Dutch Civil Procedural Law
  • Netherlands Association of Computer Lawyers (VIRA)
  • Netherlands Association of Privacy Law
  • Netherlands Association of Information Technology and Law


Additional jobs

  • Member of the editorial board of the leading Dutch Journal on Arbitration Law (‘Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage’ or ‘TvA’))
  • Secretary to the arbitration institute of the Royal Dutch Grain and Feed Trade Association
  • Secretary to the arbitration institute of NOFOTA (Netherlands Oils, Fats and Oilseeds Trade Association)
  • Chair of the SGR appeal committee, where SGR-registered travel companies can challenge decisions by the board of SGR (alternative dispute resolution mechanism)


  • Privacy in arbitrage, mr. Th.P. ten Brink, TvA 2020/55
  • ICT-geschillen en arbitrage, Th.P. ten Brink, gepubliceerd in: C.J.M. Klaassen, G.J. Meijer & C.L. Schleijpen (red.), Going Dutch: ADR in Nederland, in het bijzonder bij het NAI, Onderneming & recht nr. 113, Deventer: Wolters Kluwer 2019
  • Lustrumcongres 70-jarig bestaan Nederlands Arbitrageinstituut (NAI), Th.P. ten Brink, TvA 2019/63
  • Collectieve actie en arbitrage in Nederland, mr. B. van Zelst en Th.P. ten Brink, TvA 2019/2
  • Het Nederlandse bankbeslag: hoe kunnen de knelpunten worden opgelost?, Th.P. ten Brink, M.H. Gardien en S.E. Poutsma, gepubliceerd in: S.J.W. van der Putten en M.R. van Zanten (red.), Compendium Beslag- en executierecht, Den Haag: Sdu Uitgevers 2018
  • NAI – CEPANI Joint Colloquium “Tribunal Secretaries”, Th.P. ten Brink, TvA 2018/30
  • Gezag van gewijsde van arbitrale vonnissen, Th.P. ten Brink, TvA 2016/67
  • Verslag NTHR-symposium “De Nieuwe Arbitragewet”, Th.P. ten Brink, TvA 2015, 66
  • NAI Arbitragereglementsymposium “NAI 65 jaar jong!” – Nieuw NAI Arbitragereglement, Th.P. ten Brink, TvA 2015/19
  • Partijautonomie onder de nieuwe Arbitragewet: een belangrijke stap voorwaarts. Maar is het vanuit internationaal perspectief genoeg?, Th.P. ten Brink, NTHR 2015, 2, p. 81
  • Het gebruik van arbitrage en bindend advies in de verzekeringspraktijk vanuit het perspectief van partijen, N. Vloemans en Th.P. ten Brink, gepubliceerd in: C.J.M. Klaassen, N. van Tiggelen-van der Velde, P.E. Ernste & A.Ch.H. Franken (red.), Verzekering en ADR, Onderneming & recht nr. 83, Deventer: Wolters Kluwer 2014

The Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister)

Dorine ten Brink has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):

  • Civil procedural law (burgerlijk procesrecht), sub legal practice area arbitration, sub legal practice area seizure and enforcement law (beslag en executierecht), sub legal practice area ligitation;
  • ICT law, sub legal practice area privacy law; and
  • Law of obligations (verbintenissenrecht), sub legal practice area agency (agentuur), sub legal practice area distribution right (distributierecht).

Based on this registration, Dorine ten Brink is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.

Track record

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